Col­umn: Jon Stew­art, the Tribeca Trick­ster of Real Estate

Column: Jon Stewart, the Tribeca Trickster of Real Estate

On March 25, The Dai­ly Show host Jon Stew­art uncorked a typ­i­cal not-so-fun­ny ser­mon about how Don­ald Trump over­valu­ing real-estate prop­er­ties was not a “vic­tim­less crime.” Trump has been found liable for fraud despite no banker or financier ever claim­ing Trump vic­tim­ized them.
Then the New York Post report­ed talk-show host Tim Pool tweet­ed that in 2014, Stew­art sold his 6,280-square-foot Tribeca duplex to financier Parag Pande for $17.5 mil­lion. But accord­ing to 2013–2014 asses­sor records obtained by the Post, the prop­er­ty had an esti­mat­ed mar­ket-val­ue at only $1.882 mil­lion. The actu­al asses­sor val­u­a­tion was even low­er, at $847,174.
“Records also show that Stew­art paid sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er prop­er­ty tax­es, which were cal­cu­lat­ed based on that asses­sor val­u­a­tion price,” the Post report­ed, “pre­cise­ly what he called Trump out for doing in his Mon­day mono­logue.” In his or …