Israel launch­es mul­ti­ple strikes in Lebanon and Syr­ia in heavy attack on Iran prox­ies

Israeli forces are believed to be respon­si­ble for mul­ti­ple strikes in Lebanon and Syr­ia on Fri­day that result­ed in the deaths of dozens of sol­diers.
More than 40 sol­diers were killed in airstrikes near the north­ern Syr­i­an city of Alep­po, the Syr­i­an Obser­va­to­ry for Human Rights, a British-based group that tracks the war in Syr­ia, said. The death toll could still rise.
The group said the strikes tar­get­ed a mis­sile ware­house used by Hezbol­lah, the U.S. des­ig­nat­ed ter­ror­ist group based pri­mar­i­ly in Lebanon; a train­ing cen­ter; and defense fac­to­ries in Al-Safi­ra. Hezbol­lah blamed the attack on Israel, which rarely com­ments on such strikes, accord­ing to the Wash­ing­ton Post.
Israel has car­ried out strikes in Syr­ia both before its cur­rent war in Gaza, which began after Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, and since then.
The Israel Defense Forces also said its air force tar­get­ed and elim­i­nat­ed Ali Abed Akhsan Naim, whom they iden­ti­fied as the deputy com­man­der of …