Nets Cel­e­brate ‘Star-Stud­ded’ Biden Fundrais­er, ABC SLAMS Trump for Vis­it­ing NYPD Wake

On Fri­day, ABC, CBS, and NBC dis­played prover­bial thrills up their legs as they cel­e­brat­ed Pres­i­dent Biden’s “high-pow­ered”, “splashy”, “star-stud­ded”, and “unprece­dent­ed” Radio City Music Hall fundrais­er fea­tur­ing “heavy hit­ters” from Hol­ly­wood and Demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty pol­i­tics (for­mer Pres­i­dents Clin­ton and Oba­ma) with tick­ets going for half a mil­lion dol­lars.
In con­trast, the three down­played for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump’s vis­it to the wake of fall­en NYPD offi­cer Jonathan Diller and ABC’s Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca even bashed this vis­it as rank hypocrisy, argu­ing Trump doesn’t actu­al­ly sup­port police since his sup­port­ers a …