‘Assault On The Chris­t­ian Faith’: Trump Cam­paign Blasts Biden Declar­ing East­er Sun­day ‘Trans­gen­der Day Of Vis­i­bil­i­ty’

‘Assault On The Christian Faith’: Trump Campaign Blasts Biden Declaring Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day Of Visibility’

The cam­paign for for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump released a state­ment Sat­ur­day after­noon con­demn­ing the White House’s dec­la­ra­tion of East­er Sun­day as “Trans­gen­der Day of Vis­i­bil­i­ty.”
In a Fri­day procla­ma­tion, Pres­i­dent Joe Biden said that on East­er Sun­day “we will hon­or the extra­or­di­nary courage and con­tri­bu­tions of trans­gen­der Amer­i­cans and reaf­firm our Nation’s com­mit­ment to form­ing a more per­fect Union — where all peo­ple are cre­at­ed equal and treat­ed equal­ly through­out their lives.” The White House also banned reli­gious themed East­er egg designs for an annu­al art con­test.
The Trump cam­paign respond­ed, call­ing the dec­la­ra­tion “bla …