Cesar Chavez’s fam­i­ly reminds RFK Jr. their votes are going to Biden after he invokes their late father’s name

Cesar Chavez’s family reminds RFK Jr. their votes are going to Biden after he invokes their late father’s name

Inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received a notice from the fam­i­ly of the late Cesar Chavez to stop using their patriarch’s name for his cam­paign.
The labor leader’s eldest son, Fer­nan­do Chavez, signed a let­ter Fri­day which was first report­ed by the Wash­ing­ton Post. Fer­nan­do and his broth­er Paul gave the Chavez fam­i­ly endorse­ment to Pres­i­dent Joe Biden that same day, accord­ing to the incumbent’s cam­paign. This comes ahead of Cesar Chavez Day on Sun­day, the late activist’s birth­day, since then-Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma enact­ed it so in 2014.
“We respect­ful­ly call upon you and your cam­paign to cease using images of our father to asso­ciate your­self with him and sug­gest your campaign’s goals are com­pat­i­ble,” the let­ter reads.
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