Fam­i­ly Mem­ber Of Slain NYPD Offi­cer Told Gov. Hochul To ‘Change The Bail Laws,’ ‘You Have Blood On Your Hands’: Report

Family Member Of Slain NYPD Officer Told Gov. Hochul To ‘Change The Bail Laws,’ ‘You Have Blood On Your Hands’: Report

A fam­i­ly mem­ber of slain NYPD offi­cer Jonathan Diller ripped Demo­c­ra­t­ic Gov. Kathy Hochul to her face and told her that her pres­ence was unwel­come at the Fri­day wake for the fall­en offi­cer, a source told The New York Post.
A video of an exchange between Hochul and a man attend­ing Diller’s wake was post­ed to social media and showed the man get­ting ani­mat­ed while he talked with the gov­er­nor. Hochul and her team got back into an SUV and left the wake after the exchange.

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Gets Round of Applause — for Leav­ing Slain NYPD Offi­cer Diller’s Funer­al
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul quick­ly wore out her wel­come at slain NYPD Offi­cer Jonathan Diller’s funer­al as her pho­to-op went hor­ri­bly awry.
NYPD make it clear that her pres­ence was… pic. …