Hugh Grant Reveals He’s Thought About Mak­ing A Dras­tic Career Change

Hugh Grant Reveals He’s Thought About Making A Drastic Career Change

Hol­ly­wood star Hugh Grant def­i­nite­ly got everyone’s atten­tion after he recent­ly let it slip that he has con­sid­ered embark­ing on a new career in pol­i­tics
Dur­ing the 63-year-old actor’s inter­view with Enter­tain­ment Week­ly, the “Not­ting Hill” star said he was nev­er “inter­est­ed in pol­i­tics at all until” he was about 50.
“I sneered at pol­i­tics, and then, I found myself cam­paign­ing about the abuse of pow­er in the British tabloid press here in the U.K,” Grant explained. “I spent an awful lot of time in the House of Par­lia­ment lob­by­ing politi­cians and got to know them up close and see what weird spec­i­mens they were or became in the course of their careers.”
“Very often start­ing with con­vic­tion and pas­sion and end­ing up a cou­ple of decades lat­er, these slight­ly mon­strous pro­fes­sion­als of the polit­i­cal game of snakes and lad­ders,” the “Won­ka” star con­tin­ued. “Their pri­or­i­ties …