The Ron­na Rom­ney Revolt at MSNBC Echoes the Tom Cot­ton Times Tur­moil

The Ronna Romney Revolt at MSNBC Echoes the Tom Cotton Times Turmoil

The tur­moil at MSNBC over the hir­ing of for­mer RNC chair Ron­na McDaniel says every­thing Amer­i­cans need to know about this cable “news net­work.” This episode echoes the ear­li­er crazi­ness inside the woke walls of The New York Times. A staff revolt forced an ejec­tion.
Recall: The Times Op-Ed page edi­tor, one James Ben­net — the broth­er of lib­er­al Sen. Michael Ben­net (D‑Colo.) — allowed a sub­mit­ted op-ed from Sen­a­tor Tom Cot­ton (R‑Ark.) to be pub­lished. The piece called for send­ing in Nation­al Guard troops to quell the riots that had bro­ken out in hun­dreds of Amer­i­can cities in the wake of the death of George Floyd involv­ing a Min­neso­ta police offi­cer.
The staff of the Times went crazy. They demand­ed Bennet’s head — and they got it, with the Times pub­lish­er forc­ing Ben­net out.
Now comes MSNBC.  Par­ent com­pa­ny NBC, the old­est maj …