Trump’s for­mer Defense Sec­re­tary says he’s ‘def­i­nite­ly not’ vot­ing for him

Trump’s former Defense Secretary says he’s ‘definitely not’ voting for him

For­mer Sec­re­tary of Defense Mark Esper claimed he won’t be vot­ing for Don­ald Trump this com­ing Novem­ber.
Esper appeared on Friday’s episode Real Time with Bill Maher to reveal that he is clos­er every day to vot­ing for his for­mer boss’s oppo­nent Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. The for­mer sec­re­tary quot­ed Biden in refer­ring to Trump as a “threat to democ­ra­cy.”
“So you’ll vote for Biden?” Bill Maher asked.
“I’m def­i­nite­ly not vot­ing for Trump, but I’m not there yet,” Esper said.
“How can you not be there after what you just said?” Maher pushed.
“There’s no way I’ll vote for Trump, but every day that Trump does some­thing crazy, the door to vot­ing for Biden opens a lit­tle bit more, and that’s where I’m at,” Esper said.
Maher fin­ished the exchange by jok­ing about a “slow open­ing door.”