DeSan­tis Slams Democ­rats Fol­low­ing Killing Of NYPD Offi­cer: ‘They Embrace The Crim­i­nal Ele­ment’

DeSantis Slams Democrats Following Killing Of NYPD Officer: ‘They Embrace The Criminal Element’

Flori­da Gov­er­nor Ron DeSan­tis slammed Democ­rats dur­ing an inter­view late last week fol­low­ing the death of NYPD offi­cer Jonathan Diller, say­ing that the par­ty open­ly embraces crim­i­nals and has turned its back on law enforce­ment.
The 31-year-old police offi­cer Jonathan Diller was alleged­ly mur­dered by 34-year-old Guy Rivera dur­ing a traf­fic stop as Diller attempt­ed to get Rivera to vacate the car which is when Rivera alleged­ly pulled out a hand­gun and shot Diller in the stom­ach.
Rivera had 21 pri­or arrests and was released from pr …