Har­ris tries to chip away at her dis­ap­proval rat­ing in prepa­ra­tion for Novem­ber

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris seems unde­terred by crit­i­cism of her and her vice pres­i­den­cy as she man­ages her port­fo­lio of thorny pol­i­cy issues, from immi­gra­tion to stu­dent loan debt for­give­ness.
Instead of step­ping back, Har­ris is step­ping up as she and Pres­i­dent Joe Biden brace for what is expect­ed to be a close gen­er­al elec­tion against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
A vice pres­i­dent to an old­er pres­i­dent, and the country’s first woman and first minor­i­ty sec­ond in com­mand, Har­ris has come under intense per­son­al scruti­ny for every­thing from her laugh to sub­stan­tive pol­i­cy scruti­ny for call­ing for an imme­di­ate cease­fire in the Israel–Hamas war before Biden.
Although Harris’s over­all approval rat­ings have been worse than those of Biden, that is no longer the case after her more hec­tic pub­lic sched­ule and a recent spate of soft­er, more flat­ter­ing pro­files, in addi­tion to more puff-piece social media con­tent. Harris’s aver­age approval rat­ing is cur­ren …