INTERVIEW: For­mer ESPN Anchor Sage Steele Talks Get­ting Can­celed After Vax Com­ments, Surge Of Sup­port & Launch Of Her New Show 

<div>INTERVIEW: Former ESPN Anchor Sage Steele Talks Getting Canceled After Vax Comments, Surge Of Support & Launch Of Her New Show </div>

The fol­low­ing is an edit­ed tran­script of an inter­view between Dai­ly Wire Edi­tor-in-Chief and Morn­ing Wire co-host John Bick­ley and for­mer ESPN Sports­Cen­ter anchor Sage Steele on her bat­tle with the net­work over vac­cine man­dates and her plans for the future. Lis­ten to the full inter­view here.
JOHN: Join­ing us now to dis­cuss her jour­ney from ESPN Sports­Cen­ter anchor to “can­celed” to now host of her own show is Sage Steele. Sage, thank you so much for join­ing us.
SAGE: Thank you for hav­ing me.
JOHN: You’ve now launched “The Sage Steele Show,” which we’d like to ask you about, but let’s start with you part­ing ways with Dis­ney and ESPN. For tho …