NPR Host Still MAD at ‘Cow­ard­ly’ Biden Team for Fold­ing on Nina Jankow­icz Cen­sor­ship Board

<div>NPR Host Still MAD at 'Cowardly' Biden Team for Folding on Nina Jankowicz Censorship Board</div>

Nation­al “Pub­lic” Radio has a nasty ten­den­cy to believe in “free speech for me, and not for thee.” Every night it airs All Things Con­sid­ered, which fails to con­sid­er grant­i­ng con­ser­v­a­tive rebut­tals to all its left-wing pro­pa­gan­da. So it’s nat­ur­al it’s all in favor of vig­or­ous cen­sor­ship of trou­ble­some social-media speech. Remem­ber its 2020 lec­tur­ing that the Hunter Biden lap­top was­n’t at all a sto­ry. They also com­plain that the 2024 elec­tion is too impor­tant to allow free speech. 
On March 21, NPR’s On Point aired a pro­gram on “How dis­in­for­ma­tion ‘sab­o­tages Amer­i­ca’ ” with MSNBC con­trib­u­tor Bar­bara McQuade. Host Megh­na Chakrabar­ty went on a sur­pris­ing tear about how the Biden admin­is­tra­tion was “cow­ard­ly” for dis­con­tin­u­ing its “Dis­in­for­ma­tion Gov­er­nance Board” and its cru­sad­ing left­ist chi …