Bill Maher Implies Ron­na McDaniel’s More Dan­ger­ous Than the Com­mu­nists

<div>Bill Maher Implies Ronna McDaniel's More Dangerous Than the Communists</div>

On Fri­day night’s Real Time, some­how the dis­cus­sion of NBC/MSNBC hir­ing and quick­ly fir­ing for­mer RNC boss Ron­na McDaniel turned into a dis­cus­sion of the Com­mu­nist Par­ty. Bill Maher implied that McDaniel was more of a dan­ger to democ­ra­cy than the Com­mu­nist Par­ty USA ever was.
Maher’s open­ing ques­tion to colum­nist Fareed Zakaria and for­mer Trump Defense Sec­re­tary Mark Esper: “How do you rep­re­sent this large part of the coun­try that does not believe the elec­tion was legit­i­mate? How do you say to peo­ple ‘we want to include you, but we can’t deny that what you think is stu­pid’?”
This depends on the polling ques­tion. You can believe Biden was elect­ed, that he won the Elec­toral Col­lege, and still say “no” if the ques­tion hinges on “legit­i­mate.” Because the media and Big Tech sup­pressed dam­ag­ing sto­ries like the Hunter Biden lap­top – which our MRC poll showed could have swung the swing states to Trump.
This is espe­cial­ly impor­tant when they’re dis­cussing free­dom of speech, becaus …