Col­orado Democ­rats blast­ed for sweep­ing gun con­trol mea­sures: ‘Self-defense is not a sin. It’s a human right’

Col­orado Demo­c­ra­t­ic law­mak­ers are push­ing a pack­age of gun con­trol laws that would make it more chal­leng­ing for res­i­dents to buy and car­ry firearms. 
The nine bills law­mak­ers are attempt­ing to pass have gained trac­tion in the state’s Demo­c­ra­t­ic-con­trolled gen­er­al assem­bly while large­ly avoid­ing atten­tion, Fox News report­ed. If approved, the leg­is­la­tion would ban “assault weapons” or semi­au­to­mat­ic rifles such as AR-15s, appoint an 11% tax on ammu­ni­tion and gun sales, restrict where guns can be car­ried in pub­lic, and make firearm stor­age in vehi­cles manda­to­ry.  
“Law­mak­ers are using these out­ra­geous bills as blue­prints, chang­ing the state names and imple­ment­ing them across the coun­try at a state lev­el because they don’t have the votes to do it nation­al­ly,” said Ava Flanell, a Col­orado Springs firearms instruc­tor. 
“Last year, it was Wash­ing­ton where they all passed, and the laws are dec­i­mat­ing gun stores with­out a sin­gle pos­i­tive impact on crime. Today, it’s Col­orado. These same bills will …