Erdogan’s Par­ty Los­es Sig­nif­i­cant Elec­tions In Turkey

Erdogan’s Party Loses Significant Elections In Turkey

The results of new munic­i­pal elec­tions in Turkey may indi­cate that Turk­ish Pres­i­dent Recep Tayyip Erdo­gan, a harsh crit­ic of Israel, may be in trou­ble in future pres­i­den­tial elec­tions.
Two major par­ties exist in Turkey, the Jus­tice and Devel­op­ment Par­ty (AK), head­ed by Erdo­gan, and the Repub­li­can People’s Par­ty (CHP). The elec­tion on Sun­day in the two major cities of Istan­bul and Ankara fea­tured the may­ors of the two cities, both of whom belong to the CHP, suc­cess­ful­ly defend­ing their posi­tions from can­di­dates from the AK. Ankara may­or Mansur Yavas of the CHP won over 60% …