Gag: NBC’s Roker Shills for Bidens in Anoth­er Puff­ball East­er Egg Roll Inter­view

On Mon­day, NBC’s Today sent co-host Al Roker for yet anoth­er soft­ball inter­view with Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden ahead of the 2024 White House East­er Egg Roll and, while it wasn’t as infa­mous­ly ludi­crous as 2023, Roker still did his part chan­nel­ing North Kore­an state-run TV news anchors by won­der­ing how he’ll get Amer­i­cans to “engage and get out there to vote” for his reelec­tion.

Some­thing Roker wouldn’t be caught dead cov­er­ing dur­ing the Trump years, he began the near­ly five-minute chat by ask­ing them how their East­er went. This led to the first of many Biden answers con­sist­ing of slur­ring his words and …