‘Gonna Talk About It Any­way’: Defi­ant Fani Willis Again Talks Race After Judge Rebukes ‘Play­ing The Race Card’ Speech

‘Gonna Talk About It Anyway’: Defiant Fani Willis Again Talks Race After Judge Rebukes ‘Playing The Race Card’ Speech

Ful­ton Coun­ty Dis­trict Attor­ney Fani Willis has again pub­licly dis­cussed race, seem­ing­ly in response to Geor­gia Judge Scott McAfee rebuk­ing Willis for her infa­mous “play­ing the race card” speech at an Atlanta church in Jan­u­ary. 
Judge McAfee decid­ed last month that Willis is per­mit­ted to stay on a con­tro­ver­sial Trump elec­tion inter­fer­ence case after Trump co-defen­dant Michael Roman claimed Willis’ affair with spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor Nathan Wade was a clear con­flict of inter­est, which finan­cial­ly ben­e­fit­ed Willis.
“It’s hard out here always hav­ing to prove your­self two and three times,” Willis said on Fri­day, at the South Ful­ton Women of the Shield Awards. “Recent­ly they tell me they don’t like me to talk about race. Well, I’m gonna talk about it an …