RFK Jr.: Biden ‘Absolute­ly’ A ‘Much Worse Threat To Democ­ra­cy’ Than Trump

RFK Jr.: Biden ‘Absolutely’ A ‘Much Worse Threat To Democracy’ Than Trump

Inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said dur­ing an inter­view this week that he believes that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is a greater threat to democ­ra­cy than for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
Kennedy made the remarks dur­ing a Mon­day night inter­view on CNN’s “Out­Front” with host Erin Bur­nett.
“I can make the argu­ment that Pres­i­dent Biden is a much worse threat to democ­ra­cy,” Kennedy said. “And the rea­son for that is Pres­i­dent Biden is the first can­di­date in his­to­ry, the firs …