Shaki­ra rips Bar­bie movie for being ’emas­cu­lat­ing’

Shakira rips Barbie movie for being ’emasculating’

Singer Shaki­ra said her two boys, who are 11 and 9, absolute­ly “hat­ed” the Bar­bie movie.
In a recent inter­view, Shaki­ra was asked if she had seen the Bar­bie movie, and she respond­ed after a long pause.
“My sons absolute­ly hat­ed it,” she told Allure mag­a­zine in its April 2024 cov­er sto­ry. “They felt that it was emas­cu­lat­ing. And I agree, to a cer­tain extent. I’m rais­ing two boys. I want ’em to feel pow­er­ful too [while] respect­ing women.”
The three-time Gram­my win­ner con­tin­ued, “I like pop cul­ture when it attempts to empow­er women with­out rob­bing men of their pos­si­bil­i­ty to be men, to also pro­tect and pro­vide.”

Shaki­ra speaks to the media dur­ing her offi­cial Las Mujeres Ya No Llo­ran album release par­ty and immer­sive expe­ri­ence red car­pet event late Thurs­day, March 21, 2024. (AP Photo/Michael Laugh­lin)

The “When­ev­er, Wher­ev­er” singer said she embraced fem­i­nism and that her idol was Won­der Woman as a young girl.
“I believe in giv­ing women all the tools and the trust that …