Wild, Won­der­ful, And Sanc­tu­ary City Free? Gov Can­di­date Says He’d Add That Pledge To West Virginia’s Wel­come Signs

Wild, Wonderful, And Sanctuary City Free? Gov Candidate Says He’d Add That Pledge To West Virginia’s Welcome Signs

Vis­i­tors to West Vir­ginia may soon be greet­ed by a new state wel­come sign that makes clear the Moun­tain State’s stance on ille­gal immi­gra­tion.
Moore Capi­to, a Repub­li­can can­di­date for West Vir­ginia gov­er­nor, says the reac­tion to a cam­paign ad that fea­tured the state’s tra­di­tion­al wel­come sign with an added “Sanc­tu­ary Cities: 0” below the pop­u­la­tion counter was so pos­i­tive that he wants to make it a real­i­ty.
“Since that ad began run­ning, I’ve been get­ting great feed­back from vot­ers who real­ly like the idea of adding a spot below ou …