Antho­ny Kennedy to release ‘boxed set’ mem­oir on life and 30-year Supreme Court career

Anthony Kennedy to release ‘boxed set’ memoir on life and 30-year Supreme Court career

Retired Supreme Court Jus­tice Antho­ny Kennedy is slat­ed to release a “boxed set” two-vol­ume mem­oir this fall, track­ing his ear­ly life in Cal­i­for­nia to his 30-year career on the high court, accord­ing to his pub­lish­er.
Simon & Schus­ter announced Tues­day that Kennedy’s Life and Law: The Ear­ly Years and Life and Law: The Court Years will be pub­lished on Oct. 1 in a two-vol­ume set and in indi­vid­ual edi­tions, total­ing rough­ly 320 pages each. Kennedy, 87, wrote that his intent was to sum­ma­rize his ear­ly life grow­ing up in Cal­i­for­nia, but that “some­thing hap­pened on the way to the pen­cil” and com­pelled him to write an addi­tion­al vol­ume recount­ing his three decades on the high court.
“More and more of my rec­ol­lec­tions turned to how our soci­ety and its mind­set changed in fas­ci­nat­ing ways from the ’40s and ’50s to the ’60s and then again in the ’70s,” Kennedy said in a press release. “This seemed re …