Ex-Biden Flack Bed­ing­field on CNN: Israel Bomb­ing Aid Work­ers Is ‘Good’ for Biden

<div>Ex-Biden Flack Bedingfield on CNN: Israel Bombing Aid Workers Is 'Good' for Biden</div>

“I per­son­al­ly think it’s good for them.”

Kate Bed­ing­field could­n’t pos­si­bly have meant what that sound­ed like, even though she’s a com­mu­ni­ca­tions professional–Biden’s for­mer com­mu­ni­ca­tions direc­tor.
Sure­ly she’s not so heart­less as to describe the deaths of sev­en World Cen­tral Kitchen aid work­ers in Gaza in an Israeli strike as being “good for” the Biden admin­is­tra­tion.
But how­ev­er she meant her shock­ing line, one thing was clear: Bed­ing­field did see the tragedy as a good oppor­tu­ni­ty for the Biden admin­is­tra­tion [read, cam­paign] to dis­tance itself from Bibi Netanyahu and his poli­cies.
As Bed­ing­field put it in an appear­ance on Tues­day’s CNN This Morn­ing:

“Every instance of hor­ror like this gives the Biden admin­is­tra­tion more open­ing to put clear con­trast between what they’re try­ing to do, what they would argue they’re try­ing to do respon­si­bly in the region, and what Netanyahu has been unwill­ing to do.  I, I per­son­al­ly think it’s good for them.”

Even seen in the most for­giv­ing light, that is some stone-cold r …