Exam­in­ing The Left’s Posi­tion On Killing An Inno­cent Baby

Examining The Left’s Position On Killing An Innocent Baby

This is the sec­ond part of a speech deliv­ered by Michael Knowles at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin-Madi­son on Wednes­day, March 13, 2024.
Hav­ing exam­ined and refut­ed the his­tor­i­cal, legal, con­sti­tu­tion­al, and anthro­po­log­i­cal argu­ments for abor­tion — hav­ing cleared away all the muck that obscures the abor­tion debate — the final ques­tion remains: Is it moral? Is it moral to com­mit mur­der? Is it moral to kill an inno­cent lit­tle baby in the womb for any rea­son?
The first ques­tion to answer is whether it’s ever ok to kill at all. Is it ok to kill an ani­mal? Is it ok to kill a plant? Plants are liv­ing things. Lib­er­als some­times hug trees. I, for one, think it’s per­fect­ly fine to kill a plant, just as I think it’s per­fect­ly fine to kill an ani­mal. Our bod­ies are made to eat ani­mals. And if you want to eat an ani­mal, you’ve usu­al­ly got to kill it. Unless you’re one of those Kore­an ladies on Tik­Tok who eat live octo­pus­es and squids and things, gen­er­al­ly you’ve got to kill the ani­mal first. Which is fine. Ani …