For­mer Trump offi­cial launch­es mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar ad cam­paign in bat­tle­ground state for Sen­ate seat

Former Trump official launches multimillion-dollar ad campaign in battleground state for Senate seat

Res­i­dents of Neva­da, a key bat­tle­ground state that may deter­mine if Repub­li­cans gain the major­i­ty in the next Sen­ate, will see a mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar ad cam­paign for GOP can­di­date Jeff Gunter that will air in major tele­vi­sion mar­kets such as Reno and Las Vegas.
Gunter, the for­mer ambas­sador to Ice­land in the Trump admin­is­tra­tion, pur­chased $3.3 mil­lion in tele­vi­sion, radio, tex­ting, and dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing ahead of the state’s June 11 pri­ma­ry.
“We have peo­ple pour­ing over our bor­der,” Gunter told Fox News Dig­i­tal. “We have kids dying of fen­tanyl. We have crime in the streets. We have chaos around the world inter­na­tion­al­ly. … Can I just sit back at home and do noth­ing …