House Democ­rats launch bill­board cam­paign tar­get­ing vul­ner­a­ble Repub­li­cans over IVF

House Democrats launch billboard campaign targeting vulnerable Republicans over IVF

House Democ­rats are launch­ing a bill­board cam­paign tar­get­ing Repub­li­cans in com­pet­i­tive dis­tricts over in vit­ro fer­til­iza­tion, the lat­est sign that repro­duc­tive care will be cen­tral to their efforts to retake the low­er cham­ber in Novem­ber.
The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Con­gres­sion­al Cam­paign Com­mit­tee has announced a five-fig­ure cam­paign focused on six House GOP law­mak­ers and two for­mer mem­bers for their sup­port of the Life at Con­cep­tion Act at one time or anoth­er. The DCCC and nation­al Democ­rats have slammed the “extreme bill” in the past, and crit­i­cisms over its lack of IVF pro­tec­tions resurged after the Alaba­ma Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos were chil­dren, threat­en­ing the IVF process and women who under­went such pro­ce­dures.
The tar­gets of the cam­paign are Reps. David Schweik­ert (R‑AZ), Mike Gar­cia (R‑CA), Michelle Steel (R‑CA), Mar­i­an­nette Miller-Meeks (R‑IA), Don Bacon (R‑NE), and Scott Per­ry (R‑PA), as well as for­mer New Mex­i­co Rep. Yvette Her­rell and for­mer Texas Rep. Mayra Flo­res. Flo­res and Her­rell are run­ning in the 2024 elec­tion to return to the House after they were oust­ed by Democ­rats in 2022.
The GOP has since made efforts to dis …