Scot­land Makes It Ille­gal To Hurt A Trans Person’s Feel­ings

Scotland Makes It Illegal To Hurt A Trans Person’s Feelings

If you were run­ning the gov­ern­ment of Scot­land right now, you’d have no short­age of seri­ous, poten­tial­ly civ­i­liza­tion-end­ing social prob­lems to con­tend with. Chief among them would be that, before long, there might not be very many Scot­tish peo­ple left.
Since 2011, Scotland’s birth rate has been well below replace­ment lev­el, mean­ing far more peo­ple are dying than being born. There were more than 630,000 deaths, and only 580,000 or so births. And yet, despite those num­bers, Scot­land record­ed its largest pop­u­la­tion in his­to­ry as recent­ly as 2022.
How could that be? You can prob­a­bly guess. 
Like many oth­er nations all over the world, includ­ing th …