Gretchen Whit­mer Lash­es Out At Trump Fol­low­ing His Michi­gan Vis­it Focused On Ille­gal Immi­gra­tion

Gretchen Whitmer Lashes Out At Trump Following His Michigan Visit Focused On Illegal Immigration

Michi­gan Demo­c­ra­t­ic Gov­er­nor Gretchen Whit­mer slammed for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump after he vis­it­ed her state on Tues­day to address the mur­der of 25-year-old Ruby Gar­cia, who was alleged­ly killed by an ille­gal immi­grant.
Whit­mer appeared on CNN with host Kait­lan Collins Tues­day night to dis­cuss a range of issues, includ­ing Trump’s com­ments on ille­gal immi­gra­tion. The for­mer pres­i­dent spoke at a cam­paign event with law enforce­ment in Grand Rapids on Tues­day after­noon, where he warned that the ongo­ing bor­der cri­sis under Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has turned “every state” into “a bor­der state.”
“The for­mer pres­i­dent was in Grand Rapids today, and he was cap­i­tal­iz­ing on a hor­ri­ble tragedy that hap­pened here,” Whit­mer said. “There is a fam­i­ly that is griev­ing the loss of Ruby Gar­cia, and she was a real per­son with a real sto­ry. And it’s a hor­ri­ble sto­ry that hap­pened.”
“All of that being said, [Trump] came in to per­pe­trate the con­tin­ued sto­ry­line that he had done every­thing to keep us safe, which is boloney,” …