John­son-linked PAC releas­es first slate of ‘trail­blaz­er’ House endorse­ments

Johnson-linked PAC releases first slate of ‘trailblazer’ House endorsements

The Con­gres­sion­al Lead­er­ship Fund announced its first round of “trail­blaz­er” can­di­date endorse­ments on Wednes­day as the par­ty seeks to expand its major­i­ty in the low­er cham­ber in the 2024 elec­tion.
Con­sid­ered the top Repub­li­can super PAC endorsed by House lead­ers such as Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA), the group released the names of 20 House GOP can­di­dates whose cam­paigns will receive “direct finan­cial sup­port” from its Trail­blaz­ers Fund.
Can­di­dates receiv­ing the endorse­ment are Nan­cy Dahlstrom of Alas­ka, Kevin Lin­coln of Cal­i­for­nia, Scott Baugh of Cal­i­for­nia, Gabe Evans of Col­orado, George Logan of Con­necti­cut, Joe McGraw of Illi­nois, Randy Niemey­er of Indi­ana, Pras­anth Red­dy of Kansas, Austin The­ri­ault of Maine, Tom Bar­rett of Michi­gan, Joe Teirab of Min­neso­ta, Lau­rie Buck­hout of North Car­oli­na, Yv …