North Face Spon­sors LGBT Overnight Camp For 12 Year Olds Where Chil­dren Per­form In Drag

North Face Sponsors LGBT Overnight Camp For 12 Year Olds Where Children Perform In Drag

The North Face is one of the spon­sors behind an overnight sum­mer camp where chil­dren as young as 12 years old who iden­ti­fy as LGBT are encour­aged to per­form in drag.
Called Camp Brave Trails, the pro­gram has loca­tions in both South­ern Cal­i­for­nia and New York and enjoys sup­port from the out­door brand The North Face, as well as shoe com­pa­nies Toms and Cha­cos, among oth­er brands. The North Face has spon­sored Camp Brave Trails for mul­ti­ple years, stat­ing in 2021 that it was donat …