Trump can’t delay New York tri­al on pres­i­den­tial immu­ni­ty grounds: Judge

Trump can’t delay New York trial on presidential immunity grounds: Judge

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump lost a bid to delay his New York hush mon­ey tri­al on the grounds that he has “pres­i­den­tial immu­ni­ty” after a judge found his motion to dis­miss was filed after a key fil­ing dead­line.
Trump had asked the judge to delay the start of the tri­al until after the Supreme Court rules on whether he is immune from pros­e­cu­tion on charges involv­ing offi­cial acts he took dur­ing his time in office, an issue that arose in one of spe­cial coun­sel Jack Smith’s fed­er­al indict­ments. The Supreme Court will hear argu­ments on the issue on April 25 and may not release a rul­ing until June, and jury selec­tion is slat­ed to begin on April 15 for the Man­hat­tan tri­al.

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump arrives for a press con­fer­ence at 40 Wall Street after a pre­tri­al hear­ing a …