Wis­con­sin Vot­ers Approve GOP-Backed Amend­ment To Ban Pri­vate Fund­ing For Elec­tions

Wisconsin Voters Approve GOP-Backed Amendment To Ban Private Funding For Elections

Vot­ers in Wis­con­sin approved two elec­tion-relat­ed amend­ments to the State Con­sti­tu­tion on Tues­day, includ­ing one that bans the use of pri­vate mon­ey for elec­tion admin­is­tra­tion. 
The Repub­li­can-backed amend­ments came after Face­book founder Mark Zucker­berg spent mil­lions back­ing groups that fund­ed elec­tion admin­is­tra­tion in coun­ties across the coun­try, includ­ing in Wis­con­sin, dur­ing the 2020 elec­tion. Crit­ics argued that the mas­sive amount of elec­tion fund­ing dis­trib­uted to non-prof­it groups, known as “Zucker­bucks,” unfair­ly ben­e­fit­ed Demo­c­rat-dom­i­nat­ed coun­ties.
The ini­tia­tive to ban pri­vate fund­ing, Ques­tion 1, passed with 54% of the vote in favor and near­ly 46% against. A sec­tion will now be added to the State Con­sti­tu­tion that says “pri …