Andy Kim cel­e­brates as clerks back down from appeal of New Jer­sey coun­ty line deci­sion

Andy Kim celebrates as clerks back down from appeal of New Jersey county line decision

Every coun­ty clerk who appealed U.S. Dis­trict Judge Zahid Quraishi’s deci­sion to over­turn the “coun­ty line” in New Jersey’s Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry has tak­en back their appeal in anoth­er win for Rep. Andy Kim (D‑NJ).
The major­i­ty of the coun­ty clerks named in Kim’s law­suit orig­i­nal­ly appealed the judge’s deci­sion, cit­ing con­cerns about its tim­ing dur­ing the elec­tion cycle. How­ev­er, on Thurs­day, all the coun­ty clerks involved have with­drawn their oppo­si­tion.
“As I have stat­ed pre­vi­ous­ly, this appeal was about the tim­ing of the fed­er­al court’s deci­sion and the imme­di­ate impact on bal­lot prepa­ra­tion and the elec­tion process,” Mer­cer Coun­ty Clerk Paula Sol­la­mi Cov­el­lo said in a state­ment. “The denial of a stay means that the bal­lot design and draw­ing of can­di …