Biden Pan­ders To The Hard-Left Think­ing He’ll Win More Votes

Biden Panders To The Hard-Left Thinking He’ll Win More Votes

For a very long time in Amer­i­can pol­i­tics, there was a tru­ism about run­ning for pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States: You were sup­posed to run to the extremes dur­ing the pri­maries, and then you were sup­posed to run toward the cen­ter in the gen­er­al. 
That made per­fect sense. The idea was to con­sol­i­date a base in the pri­maries to over­come your pri­ma­ry rivals, and then run toward the cen­ter because that’s where the inde­pen­dents were. 
And the truth is that in every Amer­i­can elec­tion, the win­ner was the per­son who won …