Can Geor­gia, South Car­oli­na ports help after the Bal­ti­more bridge col­lapse?

Can Georgia, South Carolina ports help after the Baltimore bridge collapse?

(The Cen­ter Square) — Geor­gia and South Car­oli­na port offi­cials say they are will­ing to help their coun­ter­parts in Bal­ti­more until their port resumes nor­mal ser­vice after the Fran­cis Scott Key Bridge col­lapse.
“Cus­tomers are still eval­u­at­ing all their options in the mar­ket for Bal­ti­more car­go,” the Geor­gia Ports Author­i­ty said in a state­ment.
“Many will decide in two weeks in hopes of hear­ing when the Port of Bal­ti­more will reopen,” the agency added. “Geor­gia Ports Author­i­ty is work­ing with cus­tomers as they iden­ti­fy car­go impact­ed. Cus­tomers are still eval­u­at­ing all their options in the mar­ket for Bal­ti­more car­go. Many will decide in the weeks a …