Dai­ly Show Sug­gests Jesus Would Approve Of Trans­gen­der Vis­i­bil­i­ty Day

The cast of Com­e­dy Central’s Wednes­day install­ment of The Dai­ly Show man­aged to hit all the wrong notes as it react­ed to con­ser­v­a­tive crit­i­cism of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden rec­og­niz­ing East­er Sun­day as Trans­gen­der Vis­i­bil­i­ty Day. Temp host Desi Lydic tried to sug­gest that Biden had noth­ing to do with his own procla­ma­tions and butchered mul­ti­ple Bib­li­cal ref­er­ences, while cor­re­spon­dent Michael Kos­ta claimed Chris­tians should be hap­py because the con­tro­ver­sy brought atten­tion to East­er that it nor­mal­ly doe …