Demo­c­ra­t­ic sen­a­tor makes shock­ing state­ment about Oba­ma-appoint­ed Jus­tice Sotomay­or

Democratic senator makes shocking statement about Obama-appointed Justice Sotomayor

Jus­tice Sonia Sotomay­or, the old­est Demo­c­ra­t­ic-appoint­ed Supreme Court jus­tice, has received calls from sev­er­al left-lib­er­al activists to step down from the Supreme Court so she doesn’t die in office.
Sen. Richard Blu­men­thal (D‑CT) made some of the strongest com­ments approach­ing say­ing what has been rumored as a push to force Sotomay­or out of her cham­bers to give Pres­i­dent Joe Biden an oppor­tu­ni­ty to appoint anoth­er Supreme Court jus­tice. In an inter­view with NBC News, he cau­tioned her to “weigh the com­pet­ing fac­tors.”
“I’m very respect­ful of Jus­tice Sotomay­or,” Blu­men­thal said. “I have great admi­ra­tion for her. But I think she real­ly has to weigh the com­pet­ing fac­tors. We should learn a les­son. And it’s not like there’s any mys­tery here about what the les­son should be. The old say­ing — grave­yards are full of indis­pens­able peo­ple, our­selves in [the Sen­ate] includ­ed. …