Mex­i­can car­tel not only forced ven­dors to buy chick­en at inflat­ed prices but sold them bad birds

Mexican cartel not only forced vendors to buy chicken at inflated prices but sold them bad birds

A Mex­i­can drug car­tel not only forced ven­dors to buy chick­en at wild­ly inflat­ed prices, but it also sold them chick­en “not fit for human con­sump­tion,” inves­ti­ga­tors con­clud­ed this week.
Pros­e­cu­tors in the State of Mex­i­co this week con­clud­ed a month­s­long inves­ti­ga­tion that found the hyper­vi­o­lent Famil­ia Michoa­cana car­tel had been forc­ing small stores and mar­ket ven­dors to buy chick­en at almost twice the nor­mal price.
But to add insult to injury, test results released Mon­day on chick­en found at one car­tel-con­trolled ware­house in the city of Tolu­ca — just west of Mex­i­co City — addi­tives, some of which pros­e­cu­tors said were poten­tial­ly can­cer-caus­ing.
State pros­e­cu­tors said they are “con­tin­u­ing with inves­ti­ga­tions of two ware­hous­es seized on March 27 in Tolu­ca because of their pre­sumed links with extor­tion, and crimes against con­sumers.”
“The seized food prod­ucts are not fit for human con­sump­tion,” the report said, cit­ing the pres­ence of potas­si­um and sodi­um tar­trate, among oth­er addi­tives found in the chick­en.
The inves­ti­ga­tion began in Decem­ber, when, days before Christ­mas, f …