Pot­purri: Doocy Time Leaves KJP Fum­bling, Tax­pay­er-Fund­ed NPR Bash­es Israel

Potpurri: Doocy Time Leaves KJP Fumbling, Taxpayer-Funded NPR Bashes Israel

Giv­en Wednesday’s White House press brief­ing ran less than 40 min­utes, its abbre­vi­at­ed state large­ly made it unevent­ful aside from a tru­ly com­i­cal Doocy Time hav­ing left the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre even more inco­her­ent than usu­al and, on the oth­er end of the spec­trum, tax­pay­er-fund­ed Nation­al Pub­lic Radio’s (NPR) Asma Khalid pled for Israel to suf­fer “con­se­quences” for its war against Hamas.
Fox’s Peter Doocy first ques­tion dealt with a lit­tle-dis­cussed but impor­tant top­ic to nation­al secu­ri­ty: the Strate­gic Petro­le­um Reserve (SPR). 
“[S]o, you guys start­ed drain­ing the Strate­gic P …