Power­ball jack­pot jumps to $1.23 bil­lion after anoth­er draw­ing with­out a big win­ner

Powerball jackpot jumps to .23 billion after another drawing without a big winner

The Power­ball jack­pot has increased to an esti­mat­ed $1.23 bil­lion after anoth­er draw­ing with­out a big win­ner Wednes­day night.
The num­bers select­ed were: 11, 38, 41, 62, 65, and the Power­ball 15.
The jack­pot, which now ranks as the eighth-largest in U.S. lot­tery his­to­ry, has been grow­ing for more than three months, reflect­ing the long odds of 1 in 292.2 mil­lion of win­ning the top prize. Since the last play­er won the jack­pot on Jan. 1, there have been 40 con­sec­u­tive draw­ings with­out any­one match­ing all six num­bers and hit­ting it rich.
Lot­tery offi­cials note that thou­sands of peo­ple have won small­er prizes, which range from $2 to $2 mil­lion.
The $1.23 bil­lion prize is for a sole win­ner who choos­es to be paid through an annu­ity with 30 annu­al pay­ments. Win­ners almost always pre­fer the cash option, which for the next draw­ing Sat­ur­day night would be an esti­mat­ed $595.1 mil­lion.
Power­ball is played in 45 states plus Wash­ing­ton, D.C., Puer­to Rico, and the U.S. Vir­gin Islands.