Win­ner Take All: CNN Pan­ics Over Nebras­ka Look­ing to Join 48 States

Winner Take All: CNN Panics Over Nebraska Looking to Join 48 States

CNN’s Inside Pol­i­tics was in a pan­ic on Thurs­day over the “entire­ly pos­si­ble” sce­nario that Pres­i­dent Biden’s reelec­tion (and thus the fate of Amer­i­ca, the world, the known uni­verse, the mul­ti­verse, and humanity’s re-admit­tance into Eden) hinged on one elec­toral vote in Nebras­ka. Mean­while, the state’s pro­posed shift to a win­ner-take-all sys­tem for elec­toral col­lege votes would put it in line with 48 oth­er states, or 96 per­cent of states.
“Now, imag­ine this: a 269 to 269 tie in the elec­toral col­lege that could become much more like­ly if Nebras­ka changes how it awards elec­toral votes. This week, Don­ald Trump and his allies are pres­sur­ing state law­mak­ers to do just that,” host Dana Bash fret­ted, try­ing to stoke fear in view­ers.
Break­ing down why she was so para­noid, Bash explained that Nebras­ka and Maine were the only two states in the union that pro­por­tioned elec­toral co …