Busi­ness­man who loaned Trump $175 mil­lion bond says he charged him a low fee

Businessman who loaned Trump 5 million bond says he charged him a low fee

The busi­ness­man who loaned for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump $175 mil­lion for his bond in the New York civ­il fraud case said he charged him a low fee.
Cal­i­for­nia bil­lion­aire Don Han­key, a long­time Trump sup­port­er, stepped in to post Trump’s hefty bond in the case on Mon­day. How­ev­er, in an inter­view with Reuters, he lament­ed that his low fee for the loan prob­a­bly should have been high­er, giv­en the legal trou­ble he is fac­ing.
“We thought it would be an easy pro­ce­dure that wouldn’t involve oth­er legal prob­lems, and it’s not turn­ing out that way. We prob­a­bly didn’t charge enough,” Han­key said.
“We have been get­ting a lot of emails, a lot of phone calls. Maybe that’s part of the rea­son he had trou­ble with oth­er insur­ance com­pa­nies,” he added, clar­i­fy­ing that he did not regret post­ing the bond.
Attor­ney Gen­er­al Leti­tia James cast scruti­ny on the bond, demand­ing that Han­key prove that he had enough assets to pay in the event tha …