Mela­nia Trump set to return to the cam­paign trail this month: Report

Melania Trump set to return to the campaign trail this month: Report

For­mer first lady Mela­nia Trump is report­ed­ly mak­ing her return to the cam­paign trail for the pres­i­den­tial bid of her hus­band, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
Mela­nia Trump will host a fundrais­ing event for the Log Cab­in Repub­li­cans, a GOP LGBT group, at Mar-a-Lago in Flori­da on April 20, accord­ing to Politi­co.
The event comes after months of teas­ing a return to the cam­paign trail for the for­mer first lady since her hus­band announced his 2024 bid in Novem­ber 2022. When going out to vote in the pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry in Flori­da with Don­ald Trump last month, she told reporters to “stay tuned” when asked when she would be seen cam­paign­ing for her hus­band.
In recent months, Mela­nia Trump has had sev­er­al pub­lic appear­ances, includ­ing at the funer­al of for­mer first lady Ros­alynn Carter, along­side all the oth­er liv­ing for­mer first ladies, in Novem­ber and at the Nation­al Archives for a cer­e­mo­ny that com­mem­o­rat­ed Bill of Rights Day in Decem­ber.
She was also seen at the funer­al of her moth­er, Amal­i­ja Knavs, in Palm Beach, Flori­da, in Jan­u­ary, where she gave a spir­it­ed eulo­gy for her late moth­er.
The for­mer first lady has large­ly stayed out of the spo …