Texas oil, nat­ur­al gas pro­duc­tion reached record highs in 2023

Texas oil, natural gas production reached record highs in 2023

(The Cen­ter Square) – Texas’ oil, nat­ur­al gas and nat­ur­al gas liq­uids (NGLs) pro­duc­tion in 2023 reached new record highs, accord­ing to new­ly updat­ed data released by the U.S. Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Agency.
The new annu­al data for 2023 shows that Texas crude oil pro­duc­tion reached 5.5 mil­lion bar­rels per day (mb/d), its NGL pro­duc­tion reached 3.3 mb/d, and its nat­ur­al gas mar­ket­ed pro­duc­tion reached 29 bil­lion cubic feet per day (bcf/d). Texas’ nat­ur­al gas under­ground stor­age capac­i­ty g …