Kari Lake takes MAGA fire­pow­er on the road beyond Ari­zona Sen­ate race

Kari Lake takes MAGA firepower on the road beyond Arizona Senate race

Repub­li­can Sen­ate can­di­date Kari Lake has been on the road, far from the state she’s run­ning to rep­re­sent, to fundraise and build sup­port for oth­er MAGA-approved can­di­dates.
She’s built a nation­al pro­file since her failed Ari­zona guber­na­to­r­i­al run in 2022, allow­ing her to appear at a steady clip of GOP events and build momen­tum for one of the most com­pet­i­tive Sen­ate seats in 2024.
Most recent­ly this week, Lake’s cam­paign announced it raised $1 mil­lion at a fundrais­er at for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, the most mon­ey raised by a non­in­cum­bent at the Flori­da resort, accord­ing to a source famil­iar with the sit­u­a­tion.
“We were hon­ored by the sup­port we received from Ari­zo­nans who joined us at our his­toric eve …