Strong jobs, strong growth, not enough: The eco­nom­ic win still elud­ing Biden

Strong jobs, strong growth, not enough: The economic win still eluding Biden

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has ben­e­fit­ed in recent months from strong growth in eco­nom­ic out­put and jobs, but high infla­tion and inter­est rates still weigh on his approval rat­ings and threat­en his elec­tion chances.
What’s going right for Biden
Some major eco­nom­ic sta­tis­tics indi­cate that the health of the econ­o­my is strong. The jobs report for March, for instance, showed that the labor mar­ket is still expand­ing rapid­ly and unem­ploy­ment is very low, by his­tor­i­cal stan­dards, at 3.8%. Gross domes­tic prod­uct grew at a robust 3.4% annu­al­ized rate in the fourth quar­ter of 2023, adjust­ed for infla­tion, and is expect­ed to come in at a strong 2.5% in the first quar­ter of this year.
Yet, despite such signs of eco­nom­ic health, the pub­lic is unhap­py with Biden’s eco­nom­ic stew­ard­ship. A recent CNBC sur­vey found that Biden’s eco­nom­ic approval rat­ing is only 37%, although that is up from 33% in Decem­ber.
What’s going wrong for Biden
The glar­ing expla­na­tion for eco­nom­ic dis­sat­is­fac­tion is the high inflati …