Author­i­tar­i­an­ism! PBS New­sHour Uses Poll to Imply Jan­u­ary 6 Ener­gy of Trump Vot­ers

Authoritarianism! PBS NewsHour Uses Poll to Imply January 6 Energy of Trump Voters

In the Brooks & Cape­hart pun­dit seg­ment on Fri­day’s PBS New­sHour, anchor Amna Nawaz broke out the lat­est NPR/PBS poll show­ing Biden lead­ing Trump 50–48 (and left out the wider result — Biden 43, Trump 41, RFK Jr. 11. Stein 2, West 1). They are using tax­pay­er mon­ey to do polling for their tilt­ed nar­ra­tives.
Nawaz want­ed the pun­dits to talk about their provoca­tive ques­tion about vio­lence being nec­es­sary:

NAWAZ: In one ques­tion, we asked Amer­i­cans if they felt that Amer­i­cans have to resort to vio­lence to get the coun­try back on track. A major­i­ty, 79 per­cent, dis­agreed or strong­ly dis­agreed, but 12 per­cent of Democ­rats, 28 perc …