‘No one’ on world stage has ‘same lev­el of respect’ as Biden, president’s cam­paign leader says

‘No one’ on world stage has ‘same level of respect’ as Biden, president’s campaign leader says

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s cam­paign finance chair­man argued that “no one” else has the same amount of respect on the glob­al stage, express­ing his grat­i­tude that his boss is pres­i­dent.
Rufus Gif­ford made the state­ment on Sat­ur­day when asked about the dis­cus­sions he has had in recruit­ing vot­ers, specif­i­cal­ly regard­ing glob­al events such as the war in Gaza and the war between Rus­sia and Ukraine. The top­ic of the war in Gaza has split vot­ers in the Unit­ed States.
“I can tell you, hav­ing been in those rooms, behind closed doors, there is no one who has the same lev­el of respect on the world stage than Joe Biden does,” Gif­ford said. “There are enor­mous chal­lenges fac­ing the coun­try, there are enor­mous challe …