Amid FAFSA deba­cle, col­leges con­fused about Biden’s gain­ful employ­ment demands

Amid FAFSA debacle, colleges confused about Biden’s gainful employment demands

Uni­ver­si­ties around the coun­try only recent­ly received revised stu­dent finan­cial aid data after months of delays — and the Biden admin­is­tra­tion is also requir­ing them to pro­vide new employ­ment met­rics with­out telling them how to com­ply.
Tra­di­tion­al uni­ver­si­ties, trade schools, cer­tifi­cate pro­grams, and oth­er forms of con­tin­ued edu­ca­tion are under the gun to pro­vide the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion with data points prov­ing their worth to prospec­tive stu­dents, known as “gain­ful employ­ment” and “finan­cial val­ue trans­paren­cy,” but the depart­ment has not issued guid­ance inform­ing schools how to pro­vide the data by the now-extend­ed Oct. 1 dead­line. The pre­vi­ous dead­line was July 31.
Those demands come on the heels of the Biden administration’s botched roll­out of the …