‘Black-ish’ Star Claims Trump Will Put Black Peo­ple, Oth­er Minor­i­ty Groups ‘Back In Camps’

‘Black-ish’ Star Claims Trump Will Put Black People, Other Minority Groups ‘Back In Camps’

“Black-ish” star Jen­nifer Lewis said for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump will put black peo­ple and oth­er minor­i­ty groups “back in camps” if he’s reelect­ed in the 2024 elec­tion.
Dur­ing the 67-year-old actress’ recent appear­ance on the Sir­iusXM radio show “Morn­ings With Zer­li­na,” the ABC star went on a pro­fan­i­ty-laced rant warn­ing that if Trump beats Pres­i­dent Joe Biden he will be the next Hitler.
“You f**king idiot,” Lewis said, call­ing out peo­ple who said they don’t believe in vot­ing. “If that man [Trump] gets in, as soon as he takes the oath, he will have gen­er­als walk down the steps of the Capi­tol.”
“He will take a ham­mer and …